Pastors page
Welcome you to our website, thank you for calling by. We always look for ways to communicate to people the message of God, and how He has granted us life, and also wants us to have eternal life in Christ Jesus.
My wife and I have now been in Cwmbran for nearly nineyears and have a growing boy Daniel, who is full of energy, and we hope that you will come to get to know us personally as you either visit us at the church of you see us in the community.
Ebenezer church runs many different activities for all ages during the week, and an all age worship service both Sunday morning and evening.
During the year we have weekly activities that you and your family maybe interested in getting involved in. Wether that be Mother's and toddlers, Wednesday club, Byy's - the youth club, or even coming for some pratical help with the Food bank or Citizens advice.
We als arrange special events that we would love to invite you too, our annuel Harvest meal and service, Our Holiday Bible Club for children, Christmas service and our new special once a month service at the end of every month on Frequently Asked Questions. In 2019 we will look at Who is this Jesus? during these monthly services. Nothing like a plan!
You might be asking why do we do all of these activities I thought you were the Church. We are a Church which is a gathering of those who know and love Jesus and we want you to know Him to. These events and activities are heald in order that we tell you about Jesus Christ and His words, to tell the truth of God to men, women and children, to see people come to know Jesus as Saviour!
We would love to tell you and show you Christ, in our actions and also with our words!
Pastor Darran Dowey.
